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Myths Vs. Facts

What do I think of myself? 

Every one reading this has their own perception of themselves. Whether it be on how you look, how you treat others, or how you think... You see yourself in a different way than others perceive you. 

Is this a bad thing? Of course not. We all should have our own personal image of ourselves, but sometimes it can become an issue when we start relating ourselves to certain topics or "categories."

Skinny. Fat. Resting Bitch Face. Ugly. Annoying. A Bother. Useless. Dumb. Too Smart. 

The list could go on and on. 

Being a woman, I can relate to these categories, as I've once thought this way about myself (and sometimes still do). I don't know what it is, but there are some days where I just completely degrade myself as a human being, and I fill my mind with all of these myths that aren't true. In my mind, it makes complete sense. In the mirror, it makes complete sense. Is this all in my head?

Yes. I can tell you personally, it actually is. The negative thoughts you think of yourself are structured on what society deems as "perfect." I'm sure you've heard this multiple times before, but think about it. We are surrounded by ads and images of how the perfect woman should act and present herself as if it were a guideline for all of us women to follow. And don't you dare step out of these guidelines, woman. You'll be pushed on the back of the shelf, with the rest of them. You won't matter unless you look like the women on Instagram and every other social media platform. 

Well fuck that.

I'm here to tell you to get rid of those negative thoughts, those corrupted guidelines, and live by YOUR guidelines. Live how YOU want to live. Stir your mind away from what Instagram wants you think, and start thinking for yourself. The myths we think about ourselves aren't even close to the actual facts.

There is a different between a myth and a fact, and within this blog post, I will demonstrate the difference


1. I'm too fat. 

We've all felt this one. I feel this at least once a week, still. Why? What makes me "too fat" in my mind? What sets this standard as if I have a perfect weight in mind?

I absolutely hate when I wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and honestly feel disgusted with myself. I'm no where near the toned, flawless, "instafamous" women, how could I let myself look like this? 

When this happens, stare into the mirror, and list one thing you love about your body. Just one thing, and repeat this to yourself. "I love the way I smile." "I love the way my butt makes cute folds at the bottom." "I love the way my lips look without anything on them." Pick one thing, and each time this feeling comes, compliment another. Before you know it, the list will state everything you absolutely love about your body. You'll feel more confident and more appreciated just by noticing what you love about yourself.

2. I Can't Eat Too Much.

Well, if this isn't relatable. There's always a limit on what you should and shouldn't eat, but what is actually that limit? What is "too much?" We could go into specifics and download an app that counts every calorie you intake, or you can just simply eat as you wish, being mindful of what you're eating. 

Everything is okay within moderation.

Don't make yourself suffer if you truly want something. Have it, eat it, enjoy it, with moderation. 

I know diets can be a controversial topic to discuss, because we are all different with unique bodies. Some process and breakdown food faster than others, and some can eat 100 lbs of food without even gaining half a pound (an exaggeration). 

But the one rule I've found that seems to stick with every diet out there: Enjoy yourself and your food, as long as you are staying mindful of what you're eating.

3. I'm Too Ugly. I'm Not Pretty Enough.

Who in the hell told you this? Oh right, society (or some asshole in the third grade).

 Society has chosen what is and isn't perfect, and it's up to us to make the cut. 

Damn. I sure am tired of everything being a competition, aren't you? I feel as if that's all our worth is measured by these days. Pretty or not pretty, interesting or not interesting.

My message to you: The image you are seeing is what you have forced yourself to think. You have such great qualities, every aspect being different than every one else's. You are unique, and you deserve to feel beautiful within your own skin. Not within another woman's skin, within your own. It can be so easy for us women to compare ourselves to each other, when in reality we need to focus on embracing our unique qualities. Not one of us look alike... Isn't that crazy? Appreciate YOUR beauty, YOUR uniqueness. You truly are one of a kind.



Literally. Everything about you. Your stretch marks, your freckles, your cellulite, EVERYTHING. Accept it. Quit trying so hard to deny yourself, and accept the fact that you deserve to FEEL beautiful. Don't strive to look like others, be consumed within your own beauty. Look like yourself, love yourself, and be yourself. I know it's hard to accept the way you look, and to categorize that as beauty. I really do understand. Having insecurities comes with being a woman in this day and age, but do not let these insecurities define you. You are so much more than you think, and if you could only see what others see. I promise you, you are beautiful.


Your presence means so much to others. Hell, you mean so much to me. Your existence deserves to do what it is meant to do: and that is to EXIST. Take up space. Be alive within the moment. You are here for a reason, and you are breathing for a reason. Your life has value and no matter how many mistakes you've made, this value can never deplete. Don't ever think to yourself that you aren't worthy, because the measure of your own worth can actually never be measured. You matter, and you exist for a reason.


Erase all categories you might think you associate yourself with. Start with a clean plate. Now, start thinking about the things that truly make you unique. I'm not just talking about "brown hair, blue eyes" kinda uniqueness. I'm talking about the hardcore, raw, "I have a mole on my left boob" kind of unique.

Think about every aspect within your life that makes you who YOU are, and embrace these aspects. Appreciate that there is not one like you within this world, and without you, there wouldn't be this uniqueness. You bring so much to the table, and if you could realize it, you would be so in love with yourself. If only you saw what I see. Be consumed by your uniqueness, and never forget the things that make you the person who you are. 


I hope you guys related to these myths and facts, as I am sharing through my very own personal experiences. I love each and every one of you, and my goal is for y'all to see what I see. 

Beauty, status, or weight do not define you. YOU define YOU. 

Start now and make your own definition of yourself. What truly defines you? 

Reminders: Be kind to everyone, love yourself, and be present within each moment life takes you through. We only have one life to live, so let's make it one hell of a ride.

Stay Loving and Kind,



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